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It's a coin made for profit and long blocktime ensures deflation like other fast spinning block POS coins that loses value due to empty blocks.

Masternoder is a coin build on sha256csm algo, It's genesis block was mined POW with the wallet and long time POW incapsulate users with MN coins.

XXX - Roadmap - XXX




Q4 - 2020
1. Initial change in algo fork The MasterNoder coin from a Walletbuilder Quark paid coin to the sha256csm algo. (X)

Q1-Q3 - 2023 
1. The first paid note comes online (X)
2. Genesis date and block 1 farm. (X)
3. Wallet farm on the blockchain. (X)

Q4 - 2023
1. Investigated sporks regards node-bans (X) 
2. THe Explorer launch. (X)
3. Github launch and updateprogress associated stuff. (X)
4. Webpage design. ( )
5.a. Discord wallet bot designer. (X)
5.b. Discord bot Verifier install. (X)
5.c. Discord design update (X)
5.d. From 0 - 100 Discord members and milestoned at 500 members. (/)
6. Average Network speed 50-100 GH/s. (X)
7. Advokete more Pools. (X)
8. Initiated a Roadmap (X)
9. Compliled the first WhitePaper.pdf ( )

Q1 - 2024
1. Serveral exchange signups - GravieX - Safe trade - Xeggex ( )

Q2 - 2024


Q3 - 2024


Q4 - 2024


Q1 - 2028
1. Start of POS period at block (100.001)
2. Install Masternodes

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